Our Equipment
Since we process a wide variety of photographic material, we require an array of scanning equipment. Each type of material requires a different machine be used. Our highly skilled technicians have the ability to identify the exact film format and the knowledge and skill to best process each variety. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality end result, so our scanning is the best available. To gain a better insight into our process, take a look into the precise equipment we use below.
If you plan tackle this project yourself, please keep in mind that having this scanning equipment alone does not guarantee high quality results. This equipment must be paired with the knowledge and expertise to operate them correctly and requires a keen eye for editing these images. Not only does our service produce unmatched results, but DIYers tend to get frustrated with the time and energy it takes to actually use this equipment.
Nikon Super CoolScan 5000 ED
The Nikon Super CoolScan 5000 is a high end professional grade scanner used to scan negatives and slides. It is also equipped with the Highly Accurate Color Management System and Multiple-Sample Scanning to increase the accuracy of the scanned negatives. This scanner Incorporates Digital ICETM, Digital GEMTM, Digital ROCTM and Digital DEETM technologies to improve the quality of scans.
Nikon Super CoolScan 8000 & 9000
The Nikon Super CoolScan 8000 & 9000 are multi-format scanners able to scan 16mm, 35mm, and medium format negatives. Scanner speeds vary depending on the format to film being scanned. The scanners are also equipped with the Highly Accurate Color Management System and Multiple-Sample Scanning to increase the accuracy of the scanned negatives. These scanners also incorporate Digital ICETM, Digital GEMTM, Digital ROCTM and Digital DEETM technologies to improve the quality of every scan.
Epson 4490
The Epson 4490 is a flat bed scanner used to scan printed photographs. Through ScanDigital's proprietary scanning process the Epson 4490 can scan up to 4 photos at once. Scanner speeds vary depending on the number of photos being scanned.
Epson 4990
The Epson 4990 is a flat bed scanner used to scan printed photographs. Through ScanDigital's proprietary scanning process the Epson 4490 can scan up to 4 photos at once. Scanner speeds vary depending on the number of photos being scanned.
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Business Hours (Eastern):
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 10AM - 4PM
Sunday: Closed
Your memories are safe
Through our integration with UPS and our world class EssentialTracker system for
internal tracking, your order is carefully monitored from door to door
We scan by hand
To ensure the highest quality and to protect every image, we will never use an auto-feeder to process your materials.
"In response to your inquiry as to my satisfaction with ScanDigital, I am please to express my highly satisfied customer care experiences. Throughout the process of digital transformation, I was kept abreast of the time frame and progress with my order. I was delighted that your staff was personal and paid attention to every detail. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised when the DVDs returned with the segments indicated by picture. It had been years since I viewed the tapes and enjoyed being able to see at a glance what was on that DVD. As a result I am currently a returning customer!"
- Pam IL March 2011 -
Ideas Center
Preserve your favorite vacation memories. You will love reliving your travel adventures on DVD!
As mentioned in