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Other Materials

  • Save Those Special Moments
    Scrapbooks, Certificates & Memorable Achievements

  • Manual Processing
    Scanned and edited by hand

  • Strict Quality Assurance
    Each image reviewed by 3 technicians

Scrapbook Scanning

  • Scrapbook scanning for pages up to 12" X 17".

  • An easy solution to preserve hours of your scrapbooking work.

  • Simple Pricing: $1.78 per page (600 dpi)

Memento Scanning

More than just your photos hold captured memories. You likely also have mementos and important records that hold a deep sentimental value. Your birth certificate, your "Most Improved" award from your high school sports team or your grandparent's marriage certificate are all valuable items that represent a piece of your past. These all hold a special place in your heart, but are sadly wasting away while being stored in your basement. Luckily, ScanDigital's Photo Scanning services can help preserve these memories.

There are endless benefits of having these important records in digital format. For starters, you can protect these items from decay and disaster and preserve them for future generations. It also opens up the ability to share these items with loved ones. Printing copies, emailing them as attachments and sharing them via your social network, is simple from a digital file. Digital records also allow you to easily access and enjoy these important memories. Forget digging them out from deep within your garage, now you can enjoy them at the click of your mouse. You can also use your digital files as artwork on t-shirts, photobooks, custom calendars, etc.

We also have parents out there who want to save their children's schoolwork. From elementary finger-painting to high school calligraphy, we are able to digitally preserve these priceless works of art. Your children's work will be scanned with the utmost care allowing you access to them from your computer at anytime. School certificates and other merits of achievement can be digitized as well to ensure their childhood memories are saved for them.

All orders are processed at our US-based facility to ensure the highest quality, guaranteed security and fastest turnaround. Your happiness is important to us - we guarantee you will be 100% satisfied.

Digital Scrapbooking










  • ScanDigital's conversion services are ideal for digital scrapbookers.

  • Convert those old photos, slides and negatives today so that you can begin using them within your digital scrapbooking projects.

Photography FAQs


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Phone: 1.888.333.2808
Local: 1.317.863.3986

Business Hours (Eastern):
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 10AM - 4PM
Sunday: Closed

Your memories are safe

Through our integration with UPS and our world class EssentialTracker system for internal tracking, your order is carefully monitored from door to door

Learn More About Our Security 

We scan by hand

To ensure the highest quality and to protect every image, we will never use an auto-feeder to process your materials.

Learn more about our Quality  


"I am very pleased with the recent order I placed with your company to have 456 of my and my family's most beloved old 35 mm photos transformed to digital images. My mother, who took numerous pictures of me and my 2 younger brothers while we were growing up, is now ill with Parkinson's disease and is not able to do the things she once did. My brothers and I decided to give her the gift of transferring many of our old childhood pictures into digital images for her to enjoy on her digital photo frame, her computer, and to share with all of her friends at her assisted living residence. She was very touched and ecstatic to receive such a gift and is enjoying the digital photos very much. It also gave us a chance to reminisce and reflect on so many of our happy childhood memories. We are very pleased with the service we received, and my mother is already talking about having MORE of our old photos transferred to digital pictures in the near future! We will be more than happy to place another order with you soon! We would definitely recommend your company and services to our friends and family and we are very pleased with the way all the photos turned out digitally. Thanks to your experienced staff for a job well done!"
- Lenora - Oaklyn, NJ - December -

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Ideas Center

Preserve your favorite vacation memories. You will love reliving your travel adventures on DVD!

Check out other Creative Ideas 

As mentioned in


"The scanned photos are awesome! It was so much fun to see photos that I haven't seen it 20 years. The quality was great and the service was wonderful."
- Grace - Golden, CO

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Did you know?

The word photography was created in 1839 and means phos or light and graphe or drawing in Greek, which translates to 'drawing with light.'

Security is top priority

Through our integration with UPS and our world
class EssentialTracker system for internal tracking, your order is carefully monitored from door to door

Learn More About Our Security 

Quick Tip

Standard 300 dpi resolution is perfect for photos you want to make same-size copies. Want to enlarge? Choose High Resolution.

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