13 Strategic Ways Businesses Can Use Coupon Codes
13 Strategic Ways Businesses Can Use Coupon Codes
Savvy business owners are finding ways to leverage discounts to track customers, build affiliate relationships and more. A panel of successful young entrepreneurs shares the strategies that are actually working. Here's what they had to say:
7. Customize and Learn Many businesses make the mistake of simply using coupons to increase conversions. The bigger opportunity is to utilize them to also learn more about your customers' behavior along the way. Create unique codes to be used through a variety of channels, create custom codes for partners and then test different discount formats to maximize conversions based on real data.
- Anderson Schoenrock, ScanDigital To read full article, visit Mashable |
From 3 Weeks Behind Schedule to 1100% GrowthFrom 3 Weeks Behind Schedule To 1100% Growth - Interview With ScanDigital Founder Anderson Schoenrock Even as a child, I remember looking through my parents’ photo albums regularly to get a glimpse into what their lives were like before I was born. There were photos of my parents as children, photos of when they were still dating, their wedding, and their first apartment together. Even then, the images as objects struck me as a powerful language printed on small pieces of paper.
Those photographs as well as countless VHS tapes my father recorded of family gatherings are still in my parents’ house still in the analogue format. However, what would be more convenient is those images and videos converted digitally so that they could be easily viewed on our family’s laptops and devices This way the content would be digitally archived and we would no longer put wear and tear on the analogue format which has a finite lifespan.
Luckily, there’s a Los Angeles based startup, ScanDigital, which specializes in preserving and converting prints, negatives, and videos from analogue to digital. It’s as simple as sending them your prints, negatives, and videos so that they can take care of the rest. It’s an excellent solution for archiving and especially for allowing you to take a second look at those memories without having to drag out old boxes, albums, or having to break out and plug in a VCR.
To read more, visit KillerStartups. |
Why I Chose EntrepreneurshipWhy I Chose Entrepreneurship Over the Security of Investment Banking
It was 11 p.m. on September 10, 2001 and, as I made my way down the elevator from the 26th floor of 3 World Financial Center to a town car waiting to take me home, I enjoyed a feeling of accomplishment. I was three months into my employment as an investment banking analyst at Lehman Brothers and ready to conquer the world. Life was good. That feeling faded fairly quickly the next morning. Before I left for work, I received a call from my parents telling me to turn on the TV. From my apartment, I sat and saw the second plane hit the World Trade Center, and then watched as the towers collapsed on top of my office building. The events of that morning, as well as the subsequent months working in the aftermath of 9/11, shaped and molded my view of how I wanted to spend my life professionally. The days flew by as an analyst and I started questioning whether I should blindly accept the i-banking culture, which instilled that you were part of an elite circle and privileged to be working such a prestigious firm. The more and more acquainted with the senior members of our group, the more I realized how trapped many of them felt. Many were miserable, but found themselves bound to the firm by big bonuses that fueled their lavish lifestyles. About six months into my two-year contract, I made a pact with myself that I would not become one of them.
To read more, visit Forbes. |
Ex-Investment Banker Pursues a Business IdeaEx-Investment Banker Pursues a Business Idea from His College Days By digitizing old photos and videos, ScanDigital turns picture preservation into a profitable business. Things were good for Anderson Schoenrock when he took a lucrative position with Lehman Brothers after graduating from Dartmouth in 2001. They got better when he partnered with colleagues in 2004 to start a boutique investment firm for commercial real estate; better still when the market boomed from 2004 through 2006; and better once again when Jones Lang LaSalle acquired the company in 2006, leaving Schoenrock with a lucrative package and continuing opportunities for profit. But Schoenrock, now 32 and CEO of photo scanning company ScanDigital, walked away from all of it in 2007, banking his future on an entrepreneurial idea he'd had since college: to create an easy and versatile method of scanning and converting photos and videos into digital assets that would never deteriorate. The idea stemmed from a conversation with his college friend--and now co-founder of ScanDigital--Michael Mothner, who was describing his mother's reaction to getting a digital camera. "This is great," she told Mothner, "but how do I take all those photo albums in the garage from the last 20 years and put them on the computer so I have all of my digital photos and old photos together?" To read more, visit Entrepreneur.
LA Startup Spotlight: Anderson Schoenrock, CEO of ScanDigitalLA Startup Spotlight: Anderson Schoenrock, CEO of ScanDigital
Pitch us your service in three sentences or less.
Like most people, you probably have a box of old photos or home movies somewhere in your house. ScanDigital will scan and digitize those memories so you can preserve, share and enjoy them forever. Our customer-centric service is makes this daunting process easy for consumers and we have quickly grown to be the industry leader. What made you decide to focus your company on the service?
I founded ScanDigital with Mike Mothner, a friend of mine from college. He and I were constantly looking a different business opportunities and generating new ideas. Whenever we came up with an idea we both felt had potential, we would do a little additional research to see if they were viable. After we had the initial idea for the ScanDigital’s services, there were three factors that were key in our decision to take this from idea to actually starting the company:
On first glance, ScanDigital may seem like a service that duplicates what one could do by themselves at home with some spare time. How would you pitch the service to those who say that they could just digitize media themselves?
For most consumers with a single flat-bed photo scanner, a typical photo collection digitizing job would consist of 10 hour weekends for multiple months, so the process tends to be more time consuming than it may seem at first. Additionally, we not only scan, but also edit each and every image so the quality we can achieve is simply better than what most people are able to achieve on their own at home. I should also mention that this really only applies to printed images. About 80% of our business is digitizing other media formats that are really difficult for the do-it-yourself consumer. This would include slides, negatives and all formats of home movies. To read more, visit lalawag. |
Tips for Marketing on a Shoe-String BudgetTips for Marketing on a Shoe-String Budget |
Young Entrepreneur Council: What's The Best Way To Increase The Size Of Your Network?Young Entrepreneur Council: What's The Best Way To Increase The Size Of Your Network? Q: What is the best way to increase the size of my network? How can I get myself and my brand in front of people?--Christina Montgomery, FL A: Put In The Extra Time Networking is hard work, not because the interactions are actually difficult, but because it must happen on top of all the other daily tasks your business requires. This makes it easy to stay holed up in your office. I am constantly amazed at how quickly and easily those extra meetings pay off, so be sure to time take for the early breakfast meeting or meet someone for coffee in the afternoon.-- Anderson Schoenrock (@ScanDigital), co-founder of ScanDigital To read more, visit Huffington Post |
8 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get More Out of Twitter8 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Get More Out of Twitter To tweet or not to tweet. That is the question on many business owners’ minds. For some, Twitter has proven to be a powerful way to engage customers and build a community. For others, tweeting has been nothing but a useless time suck. The fact is, most small business owners have no concept about how to use Twitter effectively. Many entrepreneurs simply produce and promote useless spam, while others over extend and over engage. In order to teach business owners how to benefit from this tool, I asked a panel of successful young entrepreneurs how their entrepreneurial brethren can utilize Twitter to their advantage rather than to their dismay. 6. Provide Relevant Information Twitter is a brilliant tool to push information out to your customers and fans, but it is important to remember that Twitter is not about self-promotion. Be sure you’re engaging your customer base and starting a dialogue. Create genuine interaction and work to distribute information relevant to your customers. Using this approach will help you harness the power of Twitter. - Anderson Schoenrock Twitter: Scan Digital To read full article, visit Mashable |
5 Things to Know About Making Your First Hires5 Things to Know About Making Your First Hires The Question: I’ve never hired an employee before, and now my business demands that I hire several. How do I minimize the number of hires who don’t work out? – Jim Hathwater, MI
“As an entrepreneur, your job is to be a constant promoter, but often I see business owners make the mistake of hyping a position too much during the interview. The result is that they try to push a square peg in a round hole. Instead, use the interview as an opportunity to set clear expectations of the job and then work to find someone who is qualified and excited to fill that particular role.” — Anderson Schoenrock (@ScanDigital), co-founder of ScanDigital To read more, visit BNET |
HOW TO: Get the Most From a Small Business Social Media PresenceHOW TO: Get the Most From a Small Business Social Media Presence
When the right tools are used effectively with the right motives in mind, social media can have a huge impact on small business marketing and customer service efforts. You just have to understand how to properly determine and assess the return on investment you’re looking for. I asked a panel of successful Gen Y entrepreneurs how small businesses can go about getting the most out of their social media marketing and how they can convert more of their existing social media followers into paying customers. Here are their responses. 2. Foster Genuine Interactions “First, you may want to rethink how you are viewing social media. If you’re looking for an immediate pop in revenue, you’re likely to give up quickly on social media and completely miss the larger opportunity it provides. Of course the broader goal of all marketing is to generate sales; however, if you show up on Facebook and Twitter simply to promote your product or service it is likely you’ll be ignored. Social media is about genuine interaction and building relationships. By fostering relationships, social media becomes an incredibly powerful tool. Provide interesting content that will generate buzz, provide helpful hints and unique discounts that are only available on Facebook or Twitter. Customers will appreciate the ability to participate in a dialogue directly with your brand and these interactions will show up on customers’ news feeds. The resulting brand exposure and word-of-mouth will ultimately pay dividends in the form of new customers.” - Anderson Schoenrock, co-founder of ScanDigital To read the full article, visit Mashable |
How to Market on the CheapHow to Market on the Cheap |
Should Your Company Use Groupon to Increase Sales?Should Your Company Use Groupon to Increase Sales? |
Groupon's $11 million Gap day: A business winner or loser?Groupon's $11 Million Gap Day: A Business Winner or Loser? |
Protect Your Priceless PhotosProtect Your Priceless Photos |
Picture ThisPicture This |
Time Management by the Very Time-ChallengedPRIORITIZE |
Calling in the ProsMemento Remodelers |
GiveawaysScanDigital offers a great resource for safe online photo and video storage, with the added advantage of being able to share them quickly with friends and family, plus you can have them turned into printed products to treasure. |
Outsource Your Photo Scanning ProjectsA third-party scanning service can help you migrate old photos from the shoe box to the computer. |
Now What?Q: Can I convert photo negatives straight to digital? |
Got an hour? Organize Your Photos.Organize Your Photos |
Maxed Out!Though it holds all the sex appeal of a frying pan, a terabyte may very well be the most romantic gift you could present to your dearest one this year, a year when many American consumers have finally reached the capacity limits of their home computer hard drives. Anyone who’s experience that come-to-Jesus moment when it looks like the old laptop in finally crashing will treasure those 1,00 gigs of back-up memory as a safe resting place for the irreplaceable images and videos they’ve spent years creating and collecting, bit by digital bit. |
Back to Life: Restoring Old PhotosPrinted photos fade over time, and the emulsion on slides and negatives can dry our and deteriorate. If you’ve been storing your pictures in shoeboxes, albums, or frames, there is a good chance your precious photographic memories are faded or damaged. Don’t lose hope- technology can easily bring your old photos back to life. |
Picture Perfect- Anderson Schoenrock InterviewPreserving memories in the digital age isn't always easy. After all, most of us did not grow with digital cameras or camcorders capturing out first steps. As technology continues to evolve, our parents now have stacks of old photos and family videos collecting dust. It was precisely this predicament that spurned Anderson Schoenrock and his buddy Mike Mothner to launch one of the smartest companies of the future, ScanDigital. In an effort to increase the longevity of your most precious moments, ScanDigital is a service where customers can send in their photos, slides and videos and have them digitized to ensure their protection. We think Mom would appreciate having those adorable (and embarrassing) baby pics all the more accessible. Schoenrock took a moment to tell us more. |
Slideshows Made EasySlideshows Made Easy |
Photo Scanning Web Services Save Time, But How Much?Photo Scanning Web Services Save Time, But How Much? |
ScanDigital scans your old photos so you don't have toScanDigital scans your old ohotos so you don't have to |
Dreading Taxes? Let Shoeboxed Do Some Of The LegworkDreading Taxes? Let Shoeboxed Do Some Of The Legwork |
Cool Service- Snap SaverCool Service- Snap Saver Slide shows are becoming increasingly important at weddings- showing who you were and how you grew up. But who has the time to scan all of those old snapshots and organize then onto a DVD? That's why we love ScanDigital. The process couldn't be easier: Just select your favorite images, be they prints, slides, negatives or even video, and mail them off to the company in their special packaging. They'll scan everything, retouching as needed (alas, they can't do anything about those bad hairstyles in high school!), and post them in an online gallery you can share with friends. Finally, they'll send your images back, along with a slide-show DVD played to the music of your choice. Customizable extras include preloaded digital photo frames and copies for your guests. From $99.95. See the electronic copy here: Destination Weddings & Honeymoons Cover, Destination Weddings & Honeymoons Article |
Three Photo-Organizing SolutionsEasy Fix: Three Photo-Organizing Solutions 1. Archival Storage Boxes Containers made of acid-free paper (a key to photo preservation) can neatly house photos without meticulous and time-consuming arranging. To Buy: Havana cloth photo boxes, $30 to $36 each, kolo.com.2. Traditional Albums Placing photos into a beautiful book is still one of the best ways to showcase them on a dining table of in an office. Edit ruthlessly: Give away copies and discard the duds. To Buy: Hudson cloth album, $39, kolo.com.3. Online Services Sites like Snapfish.com and Shutterfly.com let you create printed photo books (like this one). Have only hard copies? ScanDigital.com will scan and color-correct the shots, then send them back to you on a disc.
See the electronic copy here: Real Simple Cover, Real Simple Article |
Secrets of a Digital MomSecrets of a Digital Mom |
50 Best Web Sites for Your Wedding50 Best Web Sites for Your Wedding |
And finally...the thought that countsAnd finally...the thought that counts Relive the Memories: He has boxes of VHS tapes documenting family vacations from years past, but he threw out the VCR years ago. Send the old tapes to a service like ScanDigital (scandigital.com), which will transfer them to DVDs in two to three weeks for around $20 a tape. Featured on Real Simple's website in '7 Priceless Presents.' See it here. |
Daily PrizesDaily Prizes |
Supply ClosetSupply Closet |
Take Your Past DigitalThe Goods |
Digital MemoriesWhat's New - Sit back and relax as we bring you all the latest from the world of crafts |
Saving memories, one picture at a timeCompany Review - ScanDigitalSaving memories, one picture at a timeTechnology trends and news by Aylon Steinhart September 29, 2008 | Comments (0) Not too long ago, there existed a world of darkrooms, negative reels, and chemical development of pictures. A frightening place where pictures and memories were developed in dark closets filled with chemical baths, just to be left on the bookshelf to gather dust. But somehow, people endured this difficult age. Through determination and innovation, people were able to break away from these dark times and into the golden era of digital photography- an age where no picture would grow dust on the bookshelf, or so they thought. Unbeknown to the people of the golden age, photographs of the past continued to hide on bookshelves, in shoeboxes, and within picture albums. Oblivious to this, the memories of the people’s past continued to fade. But one day, a ray of hope entered the old bookshelves, the hidden shoeboxes, and the forgotten picture albums. There came an entrepreneur, a young innovator, who would take up the quest to save these people’s memories. ScanDigital would convert people’s pictures to digital form. ScanDigital, an LA area based company started in 2007, does exactly that: they scan old printed photos, optimize them, upload them onto an online gallery, and deliver them back as a CD / DVD. The ScanDigital idea is definitely a useful one. As Anderson Schoenrock (CEO) explains, it could take the average person hours, if not days, to digitally convert her old photos. Essentially anyone who is currently shopping around the internet still has countless old photographs just hidden away somewhere. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these people just do not have the time to start scanning every picture since Uncle Ernie’s 3rd wedding. And that is where ScanDigital comes in.
The ScanDigital service focuses on doing as much as possible, so that the user doesn’t have to. In fact, ScanDigital offers an option in which all the customer needs to do is send the photos in a box; no need to count, pre-sort, or organize images. Once the photos are received, ScanDigital will scan the photos and then touch them up through cropping and color correction in order to get the photos looking as close to the original quality as possible. After this, ScanDigital uploads the refined images onto a custom online gallery. Here, users can share images with friends and family, organize the photos, upload other digital images, and order reprints and other print products using the now well-organized digital images. Finally, ScanDigital puts all the user’s photos onto a CD/DVD and delivers it back at no additional cost. In addition to scanning traditional photos, ScanDigital also accepts entire photo albums, slides in carousels, magazines and protective slide display pages, negatives, and video film. Through the film option, ScanDigital will convert old home movies to digital format and put them onto a DVD. However, the true selling point of the ScanDigital service is its simplicity. With user-friendly interface and a well-communicated tracking system for transactions, ScanDigital attempts to help customers by simply allowing them to understand what they are paying for. Overall, the ScanDigital concept is both convenient and appealing. Although the world of non-digital photography will soon be forgotten, in the meantime, ScanDigital will continue to help the people in their transition from the old dark times to the golden age.To see this article on VatorNews please click here. |
Video & Film ConversionVideo and Film Conversion There is no better way to relive favorite family memories than to watch old home movies. As time goes by, you run the risk of losing your most precious videos and film to decay and damage. Ensure your memories are preserved and around for future generations to enjoy by converting your old home movies to digital format. To view the article on Scrapbooking Magazine's website click here. |
How To Launch A Successful Start-UpHow To Launch A Sucessful Start-UpJuly 2008 ScanDigital Featured in Inc. Magazine's Annual Start-Up. To see the full article, please click here: |
Digitize Photos and MusicDIGITIZE PHOTOS AND MUSICPlay It AgainDeclutter by digitizing those stacks of old records, VHS tapes, and snapshots
Full Article: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/life/digitize-photos-and-music |
Tale of Two ScannersTale of Two Scanners June 2008 To view the full article please click here and download the PDF version of the article: |
ScanDigital President Interviewed by the Digital Imaging Marketing AssociationScanDigital President, Anderson Schoenrock, Featured on the Digital Imaging Marketing Association's DIMAcast May 25, 2008 Brian Mundy and Jennifer Kruger of DIMAcast, a nationally syndicated digital imaging focused podcast, discuss the history of ScanDigital, the Company's services and innovative process with Company President Anderson Schoenrock. Full audio can be found here: ScanDigital - DIMACast
A Gadget Gift For Every MomA Gadget Gift For Every Mom May 6, 2008 Photogenic To View the full Mother's Day Gift Guide click here. |
BNet's Dog & Pony Show Features ScanDigital Co-FounderMichael Mothner, Co-founder of ScanDigital and CEO of Wpromote, a top search marketing firm, which employs integrated search solutions for businesses ranging from start-ups to global corporations. Mothner talks about the value of starting early and diversifying his company.
If the video does not pre-load, use the following link to view it: http://www.bnet.com/2422-13721_23-194649.html |
ScanDigital President Interviewed for Inside Digital Photo RadioScanDigital President, Anderson Schoenrock, Featured on Inside Digital Photo Radio February 2, 2008 Scott Shepphard of Inside Digital Photo, a nationally syndicated technology radio show, discussed ScanDigital and its innovative services with Company President Anderson Schoenrock. Full audio can be found here: ScanDigital - Inside Digital Photo |
ScanDigital President Interviewed for Inside Mac RadioScanDigital President, Anderson Schoenrock, Featured on Inside Mac Radio January 19, 2008 Scott Shepphard of Inside Mac Radio, a nationally syndicated technology radio show, discussed ScanDigital and its innovative services with Company President Anderson Schoenrock. Full audio can be found here: ScanDigital - Inside Mac Radio
About Inside Mac Radio: Inside Mac Radio s the only broadcast technology talk program dedicated to Apple Mac computing and culture. The original content is produced and distributed by Inside Media Networks. The show airs weekly in key U.S. national markets and is then made available to a global audience, online and as a podcast via Apple’s iTunes. |
Business Profile: ScanDigital
The idea of having old photos scanned into digital form to be preserved and shared online with others has developed into a successful business for college buddies Mike Mothner and Anderson Schoenrock.
He then spoke with Schoenrock telling him he had the business idea they'd been looking for. Schoenrock and Mothner said sometimes people are wary of shipping their cherished photos, but said there is no need to worry because every box is tracked and labeled so there is no chance of their valuables being lost. For people living in the Los Angeles area, boxes can be brought to ScanDigital's headquarters. |
Business Barons Scan FutureBusiness barons scan futureby Danny Brown
Mike Mothner and Anderson Schoenrock brainstorm marketing strategies. Published January 3, 2008
“I was eating Christmas dinner with my family last year when my mom, who had just got her digital camera, asked me how she could get all the old photos into the computer,” recalled Mothner. “The light bulb went off. It would be a time consuming task and I ran upstairs and checked online to see if other people were doing it.” Mothner pitched the idea of converting photographs, negatives and slides to Schoenrock at a New Year’s party last year. The start up money for ScanDigital came from Mothner’s Wpromote.com, an online marketing agency that achieved approximately $6 million in revenue in 2007. Inc. 500 ranked Wpromote as the 62nd fastest growing private company in the United States. “It got passed around schools and campuses and probably generated about four grand,” Mothner said. “I spent the money on baseball cards and comics — probably not the wisest investment.” Mothner was working as the fulltime CEO of his college start-up company when he approached Schoenrock with the idea for ScanDigital. Within months of its summer launch, the company has experienced an average 25 to 30 percent monthly growth and has increased its staff from 3 to 17. Schoenrock handles the day to day affairs while Mothner works at the strategic level, while addition to continuing to run Wpromote. “Our growth trajectory has been too rapid to put into numbers,” said Mothner. Schoenrock agreed. “One of the best lessons I learned on Wall Street was that you can get bogged down if you spend all day with projections. The best thing to do is to focus your energy on building a solid product. If you do that well, then the money will be there.” |
ScanDigital Featured on FOX-NYScanDigital Featured on FOX-NY's Tech Tips Brett Larsen reviews Digital Photography on FOX-NY calling ScanDigital "a great idea". Please use the following link to view the video piece.
FOX NY Tech Tips - Brett Larsen |
Scanning Your MemoriesScanDigital Visited By CBS 2-KCAL 9's Tech Team December 4, 2007 ScanDigital was recently featured on KCAL 9 in Tech Editor Rich DeMuro's segment. Rich interviewed ScanDigital's President Anderson Schoenrock and followed the team on a delivery in Los Angeles. To view the video please visit: http://www.cbs2.com/video/?id=54330@kcbs.dayport.com |
ScanDigital Featured in Kansas City Star's Interactive ThanksgivingPhoto scanning service helps you think outside the boxIf you have a bunch of Turkey Day Polaroids and slides stuffed into boxes, it’s time to digitize them. Professional photo scanning services transfer old photos onto CD or DVD. Included in the price of professional photo scanning is restoration such as cropping, color correction and red-eye removal. Once photos are scanned, they can be e-mailed or turned into digital albums and slideshows. Another bonus: Having a pro scan your photos with large-format machines is faster than using a home scanner. Here’s how to use the service at ScanDigital:
Images are scanned within about a week. The company puts the photos in an online gallery only you and those you e-mail can access and print. You also receive a CD or DVD of the scanned images and your originals back. For more information, call 1-888-333-2808. | Stacy Downs, sdowns@kcstar.com |
ScanDigital Featured in the Daily Union
Junction City Native Anderson Schoenrock Launches ScanDigital |
ScanDigital Brings Easy Scans
What to do with those shoeboxes full of photos you've got tucked away in closets and desk drawers? You need to convert them into digital images before they crumble and fade. You could spend a couple of Saturdays feeding them into a scanner, or put them in an envelope, address it to ScanDigital and mail it on your way to the golf course. In about a week, you'll get your photos back along with a CD or DVD and a link to a gallery on the Web. The company charges 48 cents each to convert paper photos, 58 cents for 35mm negatives or 68 cents for slides. The finished images are in JPEG format and are of sufficient quality to post online or print from your computer. Higher-resolution images are available at a slightly higher cost. The wedding photos that I sent to ScanDigital came back undamaged. The digital versions were accurate reproductions of the original prints. Nevertheless, I was happy with the quality of ScanDigital's work...a whale of a lot easier. To place an order or for more details, go to http://www.scandigital.com |
El Segundo’s ScanDigital Cuts Decay Out of the PictureEl Segundo’s ScanDigital Cuts Decay Out of the Picture
November 5, 2007 By BOOYEON LEE - Los Angeles Business Journal Staff ScanDigital can put a lifetime of memories on a computer. Literally.
The El Segundo-based startup most recently scanned 60 years of photographs that had been stored in shoeboxes and albums for a Malibu woman. The total was 15,000 pictures. “It’s one thing to scan one or a dozen photos at home on your home scanner,” said Anderson Schoenrock, the company’s co-founder. “We scan thousands of photos, negatives and slides with professional-grade scanners and have a team of graphic designers and photographers who touch them up.” Customers who don’t want to rummage through old albums can simply pack them up and mail them all to the company. If the photos are not permanently glued to the albums, ScanDigital removes the photos, scans them into a computer, retouches them and places the digital files on CDs. The customer gets the album back in its original condition and the disks. “The idea is to protect your photos from natural decay. It’s about being able to enjoy your photos again and not have them trapped somewhere in a shoebox,” Schoenrock said. The photos are also uploaded to the company’s free online gallery, which can be shared with friends. The company charges anywhere between 48 cents to 88 cents per photo, depending on the resolution of the scanned images. Slides and negatives cost more. ScanDigital deals with mostly L.A. design firms and studios that need to scan production photographs. The company also serves doctors who want to digitize medical slides and architects who need high-end scans of large negatives. Launched in June, the company of 14 employees is led by Schoenrock and Mike Mothner, also the chief executive of El Segundo-based Wpromote, a search engine marketing startup. ScanDigital, which is not venture backed, has about 2,000 registered users on its site.
Geek Tip: The Easiest Way to Scan All Your PicsGeek Tip: The Easiest Way to Scan All Your Pics Fri, 10/12/2007 - 12:00pm by geeksugar
The thought of ever losing my old photos or entire photo albums seriously freaks me out. Although most of my newer pics are digital and saved online, most of my old photos from my 35mm film camera are in various places—putting them at risk if anything was to happen. Well a new company called ScanDigital will take all your photos, albums, negatives and slides and scan them for you so they are all in one safe place. Here’s how it works: Users sign up online, send in their prints with the UPS label provided by ScanDigital. ScanDigital will then create an online gallery and send a CD to you with the digitized and restored images within a few days. How cool is that?! ![]() Article Link - Geek Tip: The Easiest Way to Scan All Your Pics |
ScanDigital Scans For Retail PartnersScanDigital Scans For Retail PartnersBy Greg Scoblete -- TWICE, 10/8/2007
EL SEGUNDO, CALIF. — ScanDigital said this month that it was rolling out an affiliate program for retailers to distribute the company's film- and photo-print-scanning services online. Participating retailers can embed a ScanDigital-branded console on their Web site that would allow consumers to initiate a scanning order, said company president Anderson Schoenrock. Retailers receive 20 percent of the order revenue. The affiliate program is initially geared toward small "mom and pop" photo specialty stores that have their own Web site, Schoenrock said. Eventually, the program can be scaled to accommodate regional chains, and incorporate an option for private labeling, he added. ScanDigital launched in June of this year, one of several companies in a growing field offering to transfer film prints and negatives from musty attics and shoebox oblivion to the digital age. Consumers mail their negatives, slides and photo prints to ScanDigital's California headquarters in prepaid packaging for scanning and image correcting. The images are then posted to a Web site and the photos and negatives are returned to consumers along with a CD or DVD containing the digital files. Prices vary depending on film format and desired digital file size. ScanDigital charges $0.48 per print scanned at 300 dpi and up to $0.88 per slide scanned at 4,000 dpi. The company also accepts whole photo albums, which it scans at $0.68 per print at 300 dpi. Each photo is individually edited, not batch processed, Schoenrock said. The company performs red-eye removal, scratch and dust removal and color correction. Digitized images are then uploaded to a personal online gallery. The company has partnered with photo printing service Qoop to offer online reprints and photo merchandise. It is this online component that differentiates the service from competitors, Schoenrock said. "This isn't a pure photo-scanning business," he said. Since the company performs the scanning in California it can turn orders around quicker than competitive scanning services, usually in a week, Schoenrock added. Schoenrock said he expects to be scanning up to 20,000 to 25,000 photos a week shortly. He estimated that there are 1 trillion prints languishing in shoeboxes, albums and attics across the country. |
Photodoto Reviews ScanDigital's Service
ScanDigital Launches Photo Scanning Business
ScanDigital Launches Photo Scanning Services June 8, 2007 ScanDigital, El Segundo, Calif., announced that it recently launched its services to the public after months of development. ScanDigital is a web-based photo scanning service that converts customers' photos, photo albums, negatives and slides into a digital format.
Customers begin by creating an account, placing an order and printing an automated shipping label. After gathering photos, slides and negatives, customers organize and package them and ship them to ScanDigital. The company then scans user photos, slides, or negatives. ScanDigital also crops, color corrects, and uploads the photos to the users online gallery. The photos, slides, or negatives are then shipped back to customers, along with a CD/DVD containing all of the now digital images. ScanDigital offers free shipping. http://www.photomarketing.com/newsletter/ni_Newsline.asp?dt=06/7/2007 |
Photo Scanning Service ScanDigital LaunchedPhoto Scanning Service ScanDigital Launchedby Karen M. Cheung June 8, 2007 – Think about every family photo you own and how easily they could be lost in a fire or flood. Your precious memories, gone forever. A new service called ScanDigital.com provides an all-in-one scanning and online gallery solution for prints, albums, 35mm negatives and slides. ScanDigital.com was created to preserve and protect consumers' old photos. |
ScanDigital.com - Digitize Old Family PhotosScanDigital.com - Digitize Old Family Photos
Do you have have loads of family photos, particularly from a few generations ago, stuck in a drawer or a box in the attic that you would love to have digitized and organized? This site claims to be the best possible place to digitize your old, invaluable family photos. You send your photos to them (for free!), they digitize them, and then they send them to you on a CD/DVD. You can also see the photos on your online photo gallery and share them with family and friends (you can also order reprints from the gallery). Simple. They even crop, remove red eye, and do color corrections. Best of all, they have a guarantee of 100% satisfaction. It costs about $.48 for a paper photo conversion. But, as Visa says, some things -- like old family photos -- are priceless.
Press Releases
ScanDigital and SmugMug Partner to Offer an Easy Way to Share Old Photos and Home Movies Online
Tuesday, January 05, 2010 01:23
SmugMug users can now have old photos and home movies converted to digital format and uploaded directly into their personal gallery
ScanDigital and SmugMug Partner to Offer an Easy Way to Share Old Photos and Home Movies Online
ScanDigital and SmugMug Partner to Offer an Easy Way to Share Old Photos and Home Movies Online
SmugMug users can now have old photos and home movies converted to digital format and uploaded directly into their personal gallery
El Segundo, CA (January 5, 2009) – ScanDigital, the leading photo and video conversion service, announces a partnership with SmugMug, a trusted source for the sharing and storing of photos and video footage, establishing a two-way integration of the services. SmugMug users will now find ScanDigital’s digitization services under the ‘Buy’ menu within their gallery, creating an easy solution for transferring old photo and home movie archives to digital format to be uploaded directly into their SmugMug gallery.
ScanDigital’s partnership with SmugMug allows users to preserve, access, share and archive a lifetime of memories all in one place. Now SmugMug customers can create a seamless photo archive, where their old and new materials are stored together.
“ScanDigital’s services are a true extension of what we strive to provide our users- an easy way to share and archive their photography,” says Chris MacAskill, SmugMug Co-founder. “I personally used ScanDigital to archive my family’s legacy collection and believe our users will find their high quality digitization services of incredible value. Customers will now easily be able to combine their old archives with their current digital galleries.”
“SmugMug and ScanDigital customers are similar in many ways, both valuing their captured memories and seeking to preserve, archive and share these one of a kind moments. By teaming up with SmugMug, we are now delivering the most user friendly way to consolidate a lifetime of memories in one place in a high quality, timely and cost effective manner,” says Anderson Schoenrock, ScanDigital Co-founder and CEO.
ScanDigital & SmugMug worked closely throughout the development of this partnership to create a unique workflow specifically tailored towards the needs of SmugMug’s high-end customers. When SmugMug users click the ‘Buy’ button for digitization services, they are redirected to a unique landing page on ScanDigital’s website to place their order. Then, they simply send their old photos, slides, negatives, videos and reel-to-reel film to ScanDigital for processing. After their analog images and outdated home movies have been transferred and returned along with a high quality CD/DVD or hard drive digital copy, their material will be automatically uploaded to their personal SmugMug account.
About ScanDigital
ScanDigital specializes in the conversion of old photos, slides, negatives, videos and reel-to-reel film, allowing customers to effortlessly preserve, organize and share their memories. Orders are placed online at www.scandigital.com and the website automatically generates a UPS shipping label for security. Photos are scanned, lightly restored and returned on CD/DVD or hard drive with the originals, usually within one week. ScanDigital’s Video and Film Conversion services transfer videos, including VHS and BetaMax, and reel-to-reel film, including 8mm and 16mm, to DVD. All materials are processed in the U.S. to ensure handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia is safe. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com
About SmugMug
Since 2002, snap-shooters, passionate enthusiasts, and pro photographers have added more than 600 million photos and videos to SmugMug. They choose SmugMug for its beautiful online displays, which can be uniquely customized. SmugMug is located in Silicon Valley, CA. For more information, visit http://smugmug.com.
ScanDigital Press Contact:
Pamela Weiss, Director of PR/Marketing, 310.341.4850, weiss@scandigital.com
Display Your Photos as a Canvas Print Masterpiece with ScanDigital
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 08:31
ScanDigital Now Offers Canvas Prints for Customers to Transform Photos into High-Quality Works of Art
Display Your Photos as a Canvas Print Masterpiece with ScanDigital
Display Your Photos as a Canvas Print Masterpiece with ScanDigital
ScanDigital Now Offers Canvas Prints for Customers to Transform Photos into High-Quality Works of Art
EL SEGUNDO, CA (July 1, 2009) – You likely have photos that are better suited in an art gallery rather than stuck on your fridge with a magnet. Even your photo frames don’t give your pictures the respect they deserve. Take your favorite photos from the refrigerator or plain-Jane frames and turn them into a high quality work of art with ScanDigital, an exciting photo and home movie transfer service, now offering a new solution to home design: Canvas Prints!
ScanDigital’s new Canvas Print product allows customers to effortlessly select a photo from their gallery or upload a new one to have the image transformed into a large, museum quality masterpiece. All Canvas Prints are hand-crafted with gallery-wrapped edges, which give the look of a professional piece of art. These high-end details are apparent and give any wall a major splash of style. Sizes range from 12x16 to 30x40 and allow you to admire your photo as the true work of art it is.
ScanDigital has teamed up with Harvest Productions, traditionally servicing the fine art market by working with world-renowned artists and publishers to reproduce their art in a way that sets them apart from their competitors. Harvest Productions is the true leader in Canvas Print Production and ScanDigital is proud to be offering their prints to customers.
“When we decided to offer canvas prints, I knew that the only way to do this would be to place our brand and name alongside someone who is known for a comparable level of detail and quality. After looking at numerous sample canvases from a spectrum of sources, I can honestly say that Harvest Productions is the hands down leader in the canvas print industry,” says Anderson Schoenrock, CEO of ScanDigital.
ScanDigital is a web-based company that provides an innovative service and process for the conversion of old photos, slides, negatives, videos and reel-to-reel film into digital format. Orders are placed online at www.scandigital.com and the website automatically generates a UPS shipping label for secure shipping to their Los Angeles headquarters. All materials are processed in the U.S. to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia are never lost in transit.
Photographic material is scanned and then a light photo restoration is performed including: individual cropping orientation, color correction, red-eye removal and the removal of dust and minor scratches. The digitized images are returned on CD, DVD or hard drive along with the originals, usually within a week after they are received at ScanDigital. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing and long term preservation. You can also upload images directly to your gallery from your camera and computer to unite your new and old images for one seamless photo archive. Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as negatives, slides, and photo albums.
ScanDigital’s Video and Film Conversion services allow users to view their old videos and reel-to-reel film in digital format. This includes 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS, VHS-C, BetaMax, Hi8, MiniDV, and Digital 8 materials. Prices start at $0.28 per foot of film and $19.95 per video cassette, with high resolution available.
ScanDigital also offers a line of products for customers to begin enjoying their photos in digital format, including pre-loaded Digital Photo Frames ($129.95), Slideshows ($99.95), and newly introduced Canvas Prints (starting at $79.00).
For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
Shoeboxed and ScanDigital Partner to Promote Digital Conversion Services
Thursday, January 29, 2009 08:05
Services digitize and organize old photos, home movies, receipts, and business cards
Shoeboxed and ScanDigital Partner to Promote Digital Conversion Services
Shoeboxed and ScanDigital Partner to Promote Digital Conversion Services
Services digitize and organize old photos, home movies, receipts, and business cards
Los Angeles, CA (January 22, 2009) – Shoeboxed, a company specializing in converting receipts and business cards to digital format and categorizing them, announces a partnership with ScanDigital, the leading photo and video conversion service, to allow the cross promotion of their services. Customers on both ends have the same desire to go digital, so introducing one another’s service to their established audience makes perfect sense.
“Both Shoeboxed and ScanDigital are helping people digitally archive their important personal documents and get organized, so there is a real synergy here,” said Taylor Mingos, Shoeboxed’s CEO.
“I think ScanDigital users are going to love Shoeboxed, and vice versa.” “Our partnership with Shoeboxed is particularly timely since so many people set a New Year’s resolution to become more organized and is in line with our core mission of helping people utilize digital technologies to not only become more organized, but also make otherwise daunting tasks easy,” says Anderson Schoenrock, President of ScanDigital.
About ScanDigital
ScanDigital is a web-based company that provides an innovative service and process for the conversion of old photos, slides, negatives, videos and reel-to-reel film into digital format. Orders are placed online at www.scandigital.com and the website automatically generates a UPS shipping label for secure shipping to their Los Angeles headquarters. Photos are scanned and then a light photo restoration is performed including: individual cropping orientation, color correction, red-eye removal and the removal of dust and minor scratches. The digitized images are returned on CD or DVD along with the originals, usually within a week after they are received at ScanDigital. ScanDigital’s Video and Film Conversion services allow users to view their old videos and reel-to-reel film in digital format. This includes 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS, VHS-C, BetaMax, Hi8, MiniDV, and Digital 8 materials. All materials are processed in the U.S. to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia are never lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
About Shoeboxed
Shoeboxed (http://www.shoeboxed.com), a leading receipt organization service, scans and organizes its users’ receipts and business cards to make them more manageable for taxes, reimbursements, budgeting and bookkeeping. When users mail receipts to Shoeboxed in the company’s prepaid envelopes, they are scanned and entered into their accounts online with the store name, date, total, payment type and expense category. Users can also send in email receipts or upload receipts themselves for a complete receipt archive. Business cards are scanned and uploaded with the data from the front and back of each card. Mail-In plans start at $9.95 per month, but use of the Shoeboxed website is free and includes comparable features to expensive offline software solutions in the market.
Other features of Shoeboxed:
• No scanners or software upgrades required
• Export receipts to Quicken, Excel, CSV, PDF expense report
• Import business card contacts to Outlook, Salesforce, LinkedIn, and other digital address book solutions
• Free catch-up scanning for receipt and business card backlogs
ScanDigital Press Contact:
Pamela Weiss, Director of PR / Marketing, 310.341.4850, weiss@scandigital.com
Shoeboxed Press Contact:
Dan Englander, VP of Communications, 919.943.5322, dan@team.shoeboxed.com
ScanDigital Nominated for First Annual Bank of Manhattan’s Entrepreneurship Award
Thursday, December 18, 2008 08:13
ScanDigital Co-Founders Selected as Finalists for the Innovative Entrepreneur Award
ScanDigital Nominated for First Annual Bank of Manhattan’s Entrepreneurship Award
ScanDigital Nominated for First Annual Bank of Manhattan’s Entrepreneurship Award
ScanDigital Co-Founders Selected as Finalists for the Innovative Entrepreneur Award
EL SEGUNDO, CA (December 2, 2008) – ScanDigital is proud to announce their selection as a finalist for Bank of Manhattan’s Innovative Entrepreneur of the year. Anderson Schoenrock and Mike Mothner, ScanDigital co-founders, were nominated for implementing new business practices, processes and technologies that drive their company’s success. The entrepreneurs have created the world’s premier photos and home movie transfer service and strive to build ScanDigital into a household brand name. ScanDigital is honored that the Bank of Manhattan has recognized their accomplishments. Winners will be announced at the first annual award ceremony on Thursday, December 4, 2008 at the Belamar Hotel in Manhattan Beach, California. Good luck, ScanDigital!ScanDigital provides an innovative service to convert out-of-date analog material, including prints, negatives, slides, videos and reel to reel film to digital format. They have built original technology to process and edit this material, and to allow customers to see inside their process with real-time updates through their EssentialTracker System.
To place an order from ScanDigital, simply set up an account at www.scandigital.com and the website will automatically generate a UPS shipping label for you to securely send your materials to their Los Angeles headquarters.
Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected. The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes. The digitized images are returned on CD, DVD or hard drive along with the originals, usually within a week after the prints or slides are received at ScanDigital. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing and long term preservation. You can also upload images directly to your gallery from your camera and computer to unite your new and old images for one seamless photo archive. Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as negatives, slides, and photo albums.
ScanDigital’s Video and Film Conversion services allow users to not only digitize their old photographic materials, but also their home videos and old reel-to-reel film. This includes 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS, VHS-C, BetaMax, Hi8, MiniDV, and Digital 8 materials. Prices start at $0.25 per foot, with high resolution available.
ScanDigital also offers a line of products for customers to begin enjoying their photos in digital format, including pre-loaded Digital Photo Frames ($129.95) and Slideshows ($99.95). Materials are never shipped overseas for processing to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia are never lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
ScanDigital, Memory Makers Form Partnership to Provide Services to Featured Designers
Thursday, December 18, 2008 08:19
ScanDigital announces a partnership with Memory Makers, a popular scrapbooking franchise
ScanDigital, Memory Makers Form Partnership to Provide Services to Featured Designers
See the full release here on PRWeb.
ScanDigital, Memory Makers Form Partnership to Provide Services to Featured Designers
EL SEGUNDO, CA (November 18, 2008) – ScanDigital, the premier photo and home movie transfer service, announces today a partnership with Memory Makers, a popular scrapbooking franchise featuring a print publication, books, digital media and events. Through the partnership, scrapbook designers whose work will be featured in Memory Makers magazine will utilize ScanDigital’s services to convert physical scrapbook designs into digital format. Using a custom console designed for Memory Makers, designers will now send ScanDigital their creations for print-quality digital conversion. As the exclusive provider of scanning services, ScanDigital will convert the pages by scanning, retouching, and optimizing the digital copy of the design. The digital versions will then be sent to Memory Makers for inclusion in upcoming issues as a way to inspire their readers with creative new design ideas.This is a natural partnership as both Memory Makers and ScanDigital are in the business of encouraging people to enjoy their family’s memories and history. ScanDigital brings the past alive by converting analog material to digital format for preservation and organization. Through its scrapbooking shows and publications, Memory Makers encourages the sharing of memories, showcased in beautifully designed scrapbook layouts. ScanDigital’s services are ideal for scrapbookers as a way to make ancestry books without using the precious originals, preserve their artwork, print copies for loved ones, show off their creations in the online gallery, and use old photos in digital scrapbooking.
”Memory Makers is a premier brand within the scrapbooking community, and our services are ideal for scrapbooking enthusiasts,” says Anderson Schoenrock, ScanDigital CEO. “We are thrilled to have structured a partnership to provide content for their publication.”
“Partnering with ScanDigital allows us to streamline the layout submission process for our 70+ contributors in each issue, and it ensures quality uniformity in presentation, all while ensuring that each layout is treated with the care it deserves,” says Beth Williams, Executive Editor, Memory Makers.
About ScanDigital
ScanDigital is a web-based company that provides an innovative service and process for the conversion of old photos, slides, negatives, scrapbooks, videos and reel-to-reel film into digital format. Orders are placed online at www.scandigital.com and the website automatically generates a UPS shipping label for secure shipping to their Los Angeles headquarters. Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected. The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes. The digitized images are returned on CD, DVD, or hard drive along with the originals, usually within a week after the prints or slides are received at ScanDigital. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing and long term preservation. ScanDigital’s Video and Film Conversion services allow users to digitize their old home videos and old reel-to-reel film, including 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS, VHS-C, BetaMax, Hi8, MiniDV, and Digital 8 materials. Additional products include pre-loaded Digital Photo Frames ($129.95) and Slideshows ($99.95). Materials are processed in the U.S. to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia are never lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
About Memory Makers
Memory Makers serves as a leading resource for scrapbooking enthusiasts, providing community, ideas and inspiration to help them explore and enhance their craft. Its presentation of products, trends, layouts, creativity prompts and instruction motivates scrapbookers to create and experiment while embracing their own style. The Memory Makers franchise includes Memory Makers Books, www.memorymakersmagazine.com and Memory Makers Presents Great American Scrapbook Conventions (Arlington, Texas; Chantilly, Virginia; and Chattanooga, Tennessee). Memory Makers is an imprint of F+W Media, Inc., the leading enthusiast content provider and marketer of magazines, books, conferences and interactive media properties.
ScanDigital Press Contact: Pamela Weiss, Director of PR / Marketing, 310.341.4850, weiss@scandigital.com
Memory Makers Press Contact: Beth Williams, Executive Editor, 513.531.2690 x11390, beth.williams@fwmedia.com
Capzles and ScanDigital Partner to Transform People’s Photo/Video Libraries into Compelling Multimedia Storytelling
Thursday, December 18, 2008 08:11
Partnership Allows Users to Digitally Store and Share a Lifetime of Photos and Videos
Capzles and ScanDigital Partner to Transform People’s Photo/Video Libraries into Compelling Multimedia Storytelling
Capzles and ScanDigital Partner to Transform People’s Photo/Video Libraries into Compelling Multimedia Storytelling
Partnership Allows Users to Digitally Store and Share a Lifetime of Photos and Videos
Los Angeles, CA (June 16, 2008) – Capzles, a social media company that empowers users to share their stories through visually rich multimedia timelines, announced a partnership today with ScanDigital, the leading photo and video conversion service, to allow Capzles users to convert their collections of personal photos and videos into compelling, digital online storytelling. Materials originating in both analog and digital eras can now be enjoyed, viewed and shared in one central location. This announcement follows up Capzles’ public launch and Series A funding announcement just last week.
ScanDigital will convert old photos, slides, negatives, videos and reel-to-reel film into digital format and upload the newly digitized media to a user’s Capzles account, allowing the users to both digitally store and share their stories. Once uploaded, users can personalize with unique backgrounds and music, tag individual piece of media for efficient locating, and utilize Capzles’ privacy setting to control who can see their media. Capzles’ Flash-based platform allows users to share all of their media: photos, video, audio and blogs/text in a stylish, compelling manner while ScanDigital’s proprietary system provides the easiest, most efficient and secure process for the conversion of out-of-date materials into digital format.
“Our partnership with ScanDigital enforces the idea behind Capzles, which arose from my personal quest to be able to efficiently and easily document my grandfather’s life,” said Chris Anderson, Capzles CEO. “By giving people an easy method to digitize their rich collections of photos and video, and providing a user-friendly environment to house and showcase it, we hope to help bring memories and stories to life.”
“ScanDigital is excited to have Capzles as a partner,” says Anderson Schoenrock, President of ScanDigital. “Capzles’ technology takes the ability to view and enjoy photographic and video materials online to the next level. This partnership is another example of how ScanDigital continues to be on the forefront of the photo sharing and preservation industry.”
With a savvy design, unique, easy-to-use Flash interface and robust back-end technology, the complete Capzles experience is a broad universe of multimedia stories searchable by subject as well as through time. Capzles’ “Map of Time” brings a new and fun dimension to search and discovery, letting users not only see a traditional list of search results, but also those results laid out visually on a spectrum of time according to when events actually happened.
Capzles was amongst one of 30 companies, out of 266 applicants, selected to present at “Launch: Silicon Valley 2008” last week. It will be announcing more details on its Series A funding, and content partnerships, in the coming weeks.
About ScanDigital
ScanDigital is a web-based company that provides an innovative service and process for the conversion of old photos, slides, negatives, videos and reel-to-reel film into digital format. Orders are placed online at www.scandigital.com and the website automatically generates a UPS shipping label for secure shipping to their Los Angeles headquarters. Photos are scanned and then a light photo restoration is performed including: individual cropping orientation, color correction, red-eye removal and the removal of dust and minor scratches. The digitized images are returned on CD or DVD along with the originals, usually within a week after they are received at ScanDigital. ScanDigital recently added Video and Film Conversion services to allow users to their old videos and reel-to-reel film to digital. This includes 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS, VHS-C, BetaMax, Hi8, MiniDV, and Digital 8 materials. All materials are processed in the U.S. to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia are never lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
About Capzles
Capzles’ innovative technology has created a new form of social media, social storytelling, allowing users to create colorful, interactive, multimedia “time capzles” to create their own unique customized Web narratives. A destination, widget, and licensed technology, Capzles’ intuitive design and capabilities make it an ideal platform for Web users, brands and corporate licensees. Capzles, Inc. was formed in early 2007 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA. For more information, please visit www.capzles.com.
ScanDigital Press Contact:
Pamela Weiss, Director of PR / Marketing, 310.341.4850, Weiss@ScanDigital.com
Capzles Press Contacts:
Molly Mulloy, Zeno Group for Capzles, 415-465-05161, molly.mulloy@zenogroup.com
Nick Mendoza, Zeno Group for Capzles, 310-566-2290, nick.mendoza@zenogroup.com
Preserve Your Favorite Home Movies with ScanDigital
Friday, April 11, 2008 07:00
ScanDigital Adds Video and Film to Already Popular Photo Transfer Service
Preserve Your Favorite Home Movies with ScanDigital
EL SEGUNDO, CA (April 10, 2008) – There is no better way to relive favorite family memories than to watch old home movies. As time goes by, you run the risk of losing your most precious videos and film to decay and damage. Ensure your memories are preserved and around for future generations to enjoy by converting your old home movies to digital format. ScanDigital, a popular photo transfer service, recently added film and video conversion to their list of offerings. Just send ScanDigital your photographic and movie materials and they will return the originals along with a newly created digital copy.
ScanDigital specializes in converting prints, negatives, and slides to digital images. This includes the scanning, retouching, burning to disk, posting to their online gallery for sharing and organizing, and creation of endless products. A pre-loaded Digital Photo Frame, Slideshow, and other merchandise can be made from your images.
“No longer do old reel to reel films and camcorder tapes need to fade away in boxes or dark closets,” said Anderson Schoenrock, ScanDigital CEO and Co-Founder. “With the addition of video conversion services, ScanDigital has created yet another way for consumers to bring their lives and memories into the digital age.”
To place an order from ScanDigital, simply set up an account at www.scandigital.com and the website will automatically generate a UPS shipping label for you to securely send your materials to their Los Angeles headquarters.
Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected. The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes. The digitized images are returned on CD or DVD along with the originals, usually within a week after the prints or slides are received at ScanDigital. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing and long term preservation. You can also upload images directly to your gallery from your camera and computer to unite your new and old images for one seamless photo archive. Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as negatives, slides, and photo albums.
The recent addition of Video and Film Conversion services allows users to not only digitize their old photographic materials, but also their home videos and old reel-to-reel film. This includes 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, VHS, VHS-C, BetaMax, Hi8, MiniDV, and Digital 8 materials. Prices start at $0.25 per foot, with high resolution available.
ScanDigital also offer a line of products for customers to begin enjoying their photos in digital format, including pre-loaded Digital Photo Frames ($129.95) and Slideshows ($99.95). Materials are never shipped overseas for processing to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your memorabilia are never lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
City of Pasadena Selects ScanDigital for Slide Scanning Project - ScanDigital Awarded Project to Scan the City’s Slide Archive
Friday, April 04, 2008 08:55
ScanDigital Awarded City of Pasadena Slide Scanning Project
City of Pasadena Selects ScanDigital for Slide Scanning Project - ScanDigital Awarded Project to Scan the City’s Slide Archive
EL SEGUNDO, CA (April 4, 2008) – ScanDigital is excited to announce their latest project of scanning slides for a new major client: The City of Pasadena. With numerous famous residential and commercial properties, the City of Pasadena has one of the most active historic preservation societies in the country. ScanDigital will be responsible for converting nearly 15,000 slides to digital format and tagging with images with date to create a searchable data base.
Scanning slides for an order that size could only be awarded to ScanDigital. With their fast turnaround time, trustworthy processes, and superior retouching techniques, The City of Pasadena selected ScanDigital over other bidders. ScanDigital feels honored to have been selected for such a valuable project.
To place an order from ScanDigital, simply set up an account at www.scandigital.com and the service will automatically generate a UPS shipping label for you to use to send your images to their headquarters. Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected. The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes.
The digitized images are returned on CD or DVD along with the originals, usually within a week after the prints or slides are received at ScanDigital. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing, and purchasing reprints as well as mugs, key chains, greeting cards, t-shirts, and other merchandise. You can also upload images directly to your gallery from your camera and computer to unite your new and old images for one seamless photo archive.
New features include the Digital Photo Frame ($129.95) and Slideshow ($99.95) products and are available on ScanDigital’s website. Video and Film conversion services were also recently launched allowing users to not only digitize their old photographic materials, but also their home videos and old reel-to-reel film.
Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as negatives, slides, APS film and photo albums. Materials are never shipped overseas for processing to ensure that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your photos are never lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
ScanDigital and Bicycle Shack Racing Team Up
Monday, May 30, 2011 07:09
Industry Leading Photo Transfer Service Sponsors Kansas City Cycling Team
ScanDigital and Bicycle Shack Racing Team Up
ScanDigital and Bicycle Shack Racing Team Up:
Industry Leading Photo Transfer Service Sponsors Kansas City Cycling Team
January 11, 2008 ( El Segundo, CA) - ScanDigital, the innovative photo transfer service, is once again leading the pack - only this time it's in the fast-paced world of bicycle racing. ScanDigital has recently announced plans to sponsor Kansas City's Bicycle Shack Racing for the upcoming 2008 season, marking ScanDigital's first foray into competitive racing.
ScanDigital has established a reputation in the digital photo world as an industry leader, having recently introduced its exclusive Dynamic Order Form and easy to use Package Deals. Yet what really stands out is the company's dedication to local communities. "I've always been a fan of cycling, but what really impressed me about Bicycle Shack Racing was the positive impact they have in Kansas City," says Anderson Schoenrock, President and Co-Founder of ScanDigital. "So when Rick Krepps came to us with the opportunity to become a sponsor, I knew this was something special we wanted to be a part of."
Bicycle Shack Racing was founded in 2003 by Phil Todd and Bicycle Shack owner Chris Smedley. The team has experienced tremendous growth, going from six racers in 2003 to more than sixty for the 2007 season; a year which saw the team win seven state championships and over forty races. With 2008 promising to be another banner year, spirits are high at Bicycle Shack Racing. "The last five years have been amazing," says team President Rick Krepps. "Not only have we had success competitively, but with our junior ridership program and weekly community group rides, cycling in Kansas City is more popular than ever."
Sponsoring competitive cycling continues ScanDigital's forward thinking approach to business. The world's premier photo digitization service, ScanDigital converts prints, albums, slides and negatives into digital images in about a week. Customers can now preserve and restore all their favorite photos, keeping them safe and protecting them from the damaging effects of time. Simply send ScanDigital your photos, slides and negatives and they will scan, crop and color correct them; post them in an online gallery; and return them to you along with a CD/DVD of JPEGS.
To begin converting your photos, simply set up an account at www.scandigital.com, place your order, and the service will automatically generate a UPS shipping label. Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected (no batch processing is used). The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing, and purchasing reprints as well as mugs, keychains and other merchandise. Your other digital images can be uploaded to your personal gallery as well.
Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as 35 mm negatives, 35 mm slides, APS film and photo albums. Customers can even order a pre-paid shipping box providing enhanced protection. All functions are performed domestically at ScanDigital’s California headquarters. This ensures that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your photos won’t be lost in transit. For more information, visit ScanDigital’s website at: www.scandigital.com. Additional information on the Bicycle Shack Racing team can be found at the teams website: http://www.bicycleshackracing.com.
Give a Meaningful Gift with ScanDigital
Monday, May 30, 2011 07:29
It's that time of year again; the time when you search high and low for the perfect gift for friends and relatives who already "have everything." ScanDigital, a company that specializes in preserving memories by scanning and retouching prints, negati
Give a Meaningful Gift with ScanDigital
Make Your Memories Timeless by Converting Prints to Digital
EL SEGUNDO, CA (November 26, 2007) – It’s that time of year again; the time when you search high and low for the perfect gift for friends and relatives who already “have everything.” ScanDigital, a company that specializes in preserving memories by scanning and retouching prints, negatives and slides offers heartfelt gift ideas sure to delight everyone on your list.
Your Parents – Volunteer to organize and update their photo archive. Convert important moments like their wedding, your baby photos and their African safari to digital so they’ll never be lost or damaged. Order coffee table-worthy hardbound photo books for them and your siblings. Prices start at $29.99 for 20 pages.
Your Brothers and Sisters – Stuff their stockings with stickers featuring their funniest childhood photos, prom pictures, and awkward middle school years. Prices start at $4.99.
Your Grandmother – Replace Grandma’s silly plastic bag full of your baby photos with a 20-page, purse sized mini photo book, featuring all of her favorite family photos. Prices from $3.99.
Your Extended Family – Become the unofficial family historian and have important images and documents from your family’s history scanned, retouched and preserved by ScanDigital. Share the entire archive with your relatives via email using ScanDigital’s free online gallery or design a soft cover bound photo book called “Our Family History.” Prices start at $11.99.
Your Best Friend – A favorite photo of the two of you becomes fine art when you have it printed on artist’s canvas. Prices from $29.99.
For Anyone – A beautifully wrapped ScanDigital gift card!
Simply visit ScanDigital.com to create a user account, then ship off your photos, slides and negatives to ScanDigital. They will scan, crop and color correct your images; post them in an online gallery; and return them to you along with a CD/DVD of JPEGS in about one week. The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes.
Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as 35 mm negatives, 35 mm slides, APS film and photo albums. Unlike our competitors, all functions are performed domestically at ScanDigital’s California headquarters. This ensures that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your photos won’t be lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
ScanDigital Makes Shipping Prints Quick and Safe with DigiPac
Monday, December 24, 2007 01:48
Pre-Paid Packaging Makes Sending Prints to ScanDigital Safe and Hassle
ScanDigital Makes Shipping Prints Quick and Safe with DigiPac
ScanDigital Makes Shipping Prints Quick and Safe with DigiPac
Pre-Paid Packaging Makes Sending Prints to ScanDigital Safe and Hassle-Free
EL SEGUNDO, CA (November 26, 2007) – ScanDigital, a service that scans and retouches prints, negatives and slides, announced today the launch of their newest user-friendly feature: DigiPac. DigiPac eliminates the hassle of printing out a mailing label and locating appropriate packing materials for your treasured photos. Instead, just register online for ScanDigital’s service, request a DigiPac, and for only $10 you will receive a box, pre-paid shipping label, bubble wrap and small plastic bags within two to five days. All packing materials are recyclable.
“We continually strive to offer more features and better customer service,” said Anderson Schoenrock, President and Co-Founder of ScanDigital. “We know how much of a hassle shipping is, especially during the holiday season, and so we came up with the DigiPac concept, a service offered exclusively by ScanDigital. Now our customers have a way to ship their photos to us that is not only easy, but also safe and secure.”
Simply visit ScanDigital.com to create a user account and request a DigiPac. Once the DigiPac has arrived, package your photos, slides and negatives and return the box to ScanDigital. They will scan, crop and color correct your images; post them in an online gallery; and return them to you along with a CD/DVD of JPEGS in about one week. The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes.
Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as 35 mm negatives, 35 mm slides, APS film and photo albums. Unlike our competitors, all functions are performed domestically at ScanDigital’s California headquarters. This ensures that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your photos won’t be lost in transit. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
Insure Family Memories Against Loss In Fire, Flood and Earthquake
Monday, December 24, 2007 01:44
You can insure your property against catastrophes like wildfires and floods, but what are the consequences when priceless memories are destroyed? No amount of financial reparation can replace family photos, the visual story of your life.
Insure Family Memories Against Loss In Fire, Flood and Earthquake
Insure Family Memories Against Loss In Fire, Flood and Earthquake
ScanDigital Transfers Prints to CD/DVD & Online Gallery in One Week
EL SEGUNDO, CA (November 1, 2007) – You can insure your property against catastrophes like wildfires and floods, but what are the consequences when priceless memories are destroyed? No amount of financial reparation can replace family photos, the visual story of your life. ScanDigital provides insurance for your memories with their exciting photo transfer service. Simply send them your photos, slides and negatives and within one week they will scan them at their California facility, post them in an online gallery and return them to you along with a CD/DVD of JPEGS.
“As Californians, we know how risky each day can be in this state. Unlike other areas of the country we face not only the threat of severe weather but also wildfire, flooding and earthquakes. The idea for ScanDigital came from our own need to safeguard our photos and memories and now we’re able to extend that service to others,” said Anderson Schoenrock, President and Co-Founder of ScanDigital.
Simply set up an account at www.scandigital.com, place your order, and the service automatically generates a UPS shipping label. Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected (no batch processing is used). The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes.
The digitized images are returned on CD or DVD along with the originals, usually within a week after the prints or slides are received at ScanDigital’s El Segundo, CA, headquarters. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing, and purchasing reprints as well as mugs, keychains and other merchandise. Your other digital images can be uploaded to your personal gallery as well.
Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as 35 mm negatives, 35 mm slides, APS film and photo albums. Unlike our competitors, all functions are performed domestically at ScanDigital’s California headquarters. This ensures that handling is fast and secure, quality remains high, and your photos won’t be lost in transit. We are proud to support the American economy and our country’s labor force by handing all functions within the United States. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
Rescue Family Memories with ScanDigital Photo Transfer Service
Monday, December 24, 2007 01:42
How many printed photos and 35mm slides do you have stuffed in shoeboxes, requiring an archaeological dig every time you want to look at those cute pictures of your parents’ early marriage or your first trip to Disney World?
Rescue Family Memories with ScanDigital Photo Transfer Service
Brian Samuelson
Rescue Family Memories with ScanDigital Photo Transfer Service:
From Print to CD/DVD & Online Gallery in One Week
EL SEGUNDO, CA (October 8, 2007) – How many printed photos and 35mm slides do you have stuffed in shoeboxes, requiring an archaeological dig every time you want to look at those cute pictures of your parents’ early marriage or your first trip to Disney World? A new photo transfer service called ScanDigital converts your entire photo archive into digital files that are delivered on CD/DVD as well as posted to a free personal online gallery for easy sharing. Throwing together a slideshow for Grandma’s birthday just got a whole lot easier. Bonus: priceless memories are protected from deterioration as well as from catastrophic events like floods and fires.
Simply set up an account at www.scandigital.com, place your order, and the service automatically generates a UPS shipping label. Photos are scanned and then individually cropped, oriented and color-corrected (no batch processing is used). The service also removes dust, minor scratches, blemishes and red eyes.
The digitized images are returned on CD or DVD along with the originals, usually within a week after the prints or slides are received at ScanDigital’s El Segundo, CA, headquarters. Image files are also uploaded to a free online gallery for viewing, sharing, and purchasing reprints as well as mugs, keychains and other merchandise. Your other digital images can be uploaded to your personal gallery as well.
Prices start at $0.48 for each color photo at 300 dpi, with resolutions up to 4,000 dpi available. The service can handle black and white and color photos on printed paper as well as 35 mm negatives, 35 mm slides, APS film and photo albums. All functions are performed internally at ScanDigital for fast and secure handling. For more information, visit www.scandigital.com.
ScanDigital Proudly Announces the Launch of New Photo Printing Services
Monday, December 24, 2007 01:39
ScanDigital, a pioneering photo-scanning company specializing in the conversion of printed photos, photo albums, slides and negatives to a digital format, announces that it now offers customers the ability to order photo prints and photo products thr
ScanDigital Proudly Announces the Launch of New Photo Printing Services
ScanDigital Proudly Announces the Launch of New Photo Printing Services
ScanDigital, a pioneering photo-scanning company specializing in the conversion of printed photos, photo albums, slides and negatives to a digital format, announces that it now offers customers the ability to order photo prints and photo products through its partnership with Qoop .
El Segundo, CA (PRWeb) June 20, 2007 – ScanDigital, a cutting-edge photo scanning service, announced today that through its partnership with QOOP, it has begun offering customers the ability to order photo prints and photo products.. ScanDigital has integrated its site with QOOP, the premier provider of on demand photo and text printing. Every ScanDigital customer is given a free and unlimited web gallery to store, edit and display their images. And now, through the partnership with QOOP, these images can be transformed into products such as photobooks, posters, mousepads, key-chains, T-Shirts and the like.
ScanDigital is a web-based photo scanning service that converts customers’ photos, photo albums, negatives and slides into a digital format. ScanDigital’s powerful, proprietary system provides users unprecedented levels of control and service in the conversion of their photos into a digital format.
“Our integration with QOOP is another example of how we continue to enhance our customer experience.” says Anderson Schoenrock, President of ScanDigital. “Our customers now have access to QOOP’s full spectrum of high-quality print products. The combination of ScanDigital and QOOP creates a superb user experience, allowing our customers to bring new life to the images that they love.”
“QOOP is proud to partner with ScanDigital.” Said William Murray, CEO, QOOP. “QOOP’s print on demand service transforms digital content—photo’s, illustrations, books, and blogs—into tangible product. ScanDigital and QOOP share a vision for breathing life into your favorite images”
Contact ScanDigital today to learn more about its services. Call ScanDigital at 888-333-2808 or by visiting the Company’s website: http://www.scandigital.com
About QOOP
QOOP converts digital images and text into physical products. Founded in 2005, QOOP offers web sites, image owners, publishers, and authors new revenue streams from on-demand print and product sales. Today, QOOP’s customers include the largest online photo communities social networking sites, and academic publishers including Facebook, Flickr, OReilly Press, Photobucket, The Public Library of Science and Webshots.
ScanDigital Proudly Announces the Launch of New Photo Scanning Services
Saturday, December 22, 2007 04:36
ScanDigital, a pioneering photo-scanning company specializing in the conversion of printed photos, photo albums, slides and negatives to a digital format, announces that it recently launched its services to the public after months of development.
ScanDigital Proudly Announces the Launch of New Photo Scanning Services
El Segundo, CA (PRWeb) June 6, 2007 – ScanDigital, a cutting-edge photo scanning service, announced today that it recently launched its services to the public after spending months developing its proprietary system.
ScanDigital is a web-based photo scanning service that converts customers’ photos, photo albums, negatives and slides into a digital format. ScanDigital’s powerful, pioneering system provides users unprecedented levels of control and service in the conversion of their photos into a digital format.
“We place our customers at the center of everything we do.” says Anderson Schoenrock, President of ScanDigital. “We have spent considerable time, energy and enthusiasm building the best, most customer-centric service possible. We have implemented a service unlike any other in the world. I am extremely proud of our proprietary system and what our team has accomplished.”
Contact ScanDigital today to learn more about its services. Call ScanDigital at 888-333-2808 or by visiting the Company’s website: http://www.scandigital.com
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Your memories are safe
Through our integration with UPS and our world class EssentialTracker system for
internal tracking, your order is carefully monitored from door to door
We scan by hand
To ensure the highest quality and to protect every image, we will never use an auto-feeder to process your materials.
"We were impressed with the quality of the slides that you processed, a couple were dark, but we knew that going in and i'm sure you did the best you could. We have told other people about your service. I must say your customer service people were extremely helpful and courteous when we called them with questions."
- Sandra - Herkimer, NY - March 2008 -
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