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Disaster Protection

Think of us as insurance for
your memories

Disaster Protection

Mother Nature takes no pity on precious memories. Your family's archive of photos and home movies may be seemingly safe in the shoeboxes in your basement, but chances are they won't be for long. Accidents and unforeseeable things happen such as floods, fires and other uncontrollable forces of Mother Nature that threaten your photos and home movies. You most likely have insurance for your home and your processions if heaven-forbid something was to happen. What about your priceless memories? Most insurance plans do not cover this type of material, but even if so, the value would never seem appropriate. The originals of your priceless memories can never be replaced.

Once the original captured memory is lost, it's gone forever. We encourage the backup of all photos and home movies and there's no better way to preserve your images or home movies than by converting them to digital format. After transferring all your newly digital images to DVD, we also post your photos in our secure online gallery, where there will always be a guaranteed backup copy. Unlike the physical material, digital copies do last forever.


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Phone: 1.888.333.2808
Local: 1.317.863.3986

Business Hours (Eastern):
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 10AM - 4PM
Sunday: Closed

Your memories are safe

Through our integration with UPS and our world class EssentialTracker system for internal tracking, your order is carefully monitored from door to door

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We scan by hand

To ensure the highest quality and to protect every image, we will never use an auto-feeder to process your materials.

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"I was very pleased with my order. I left specific instructions for the order of scanning, which was followed. Thank you! Slides were returned as I sent them in their specific bundles. Quality was very good."
- JoAnn MA May 2011 -

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Preserve your favorite vacation memories. You will love reliving your travel adventures on DVD!

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